Design & content creation
Content Design! Maybe you've never heard about it, but it's something that is gaining more and more space and strength in the market.
We are in a moment where content production is growing and more and more people and companies are investing in content.
But this growth ends up bringing with it a flood of low quality content, made just to meet some statements like "you have to post 3x a day on social networks if you want to grow".
We, from GoDiNi, completely disagree with this statement that you have to post 3x a day on social media. And do you know why? Because there's no point in making 3 posts a day if they don't meet the needs of your audience.
If they're not aligned with a clear and well-defined objective, how do you know if they're working?
Content design is there to help solve this problem and more: too much content without feeling, without user experience, without purpose, without focus on the audience and without result.
What is Content Design
Content design is a new way of thinking about content. It's a process that aims to make content creation more structured and user-centric. The original term Content Design was coined by Sarah Richards. Moreover it will help you create content that your audience really needs and uses on a daily basis.
What Content Design is for
Content design is for you to create an unforgettable experience for the user who consumes your content in the most varied channels.
Instead of creating content thinking about keywords to appear on the first pages of Google, content design will help you create content centered on the user, on their needs, on giving them what they need at the time they need it.
This way your content becomes more powerful, as it speaks directly to the user and delivers real benefits to them.
Content design can be used in:
Products and services
Websites and apps
Blogs Social media
Marketing (online and offline)
And more
Wherever you need to turn a user need into content, you can use content design to help produce something of great value.
The Benefits of Content Design
The biggest benefit of content design is to help break out of the text-oriented mindset.
When talking about helping the audience, whether it's teaching something or sharing some kind of relevant information, the first format that content producers visualise is text.
The basic principle when you're using content design is: the user's needs come first, then comes the format.
This principle already makes clear another benefit: greater knowledge about the audience's needs.
To produce valuable content that is really useful it is necessary to know the audience, their desires, pains, feelings, in short, details that go beyond geographical and personal information.
With this you get to know the real problems that the audience faces and what this audience is doing at the moment to get around the problem. And that's another benefit of content design.
It gives you a broader sense of the problem rather than leading straight to the solution. Instead of creating yet another page or post amidst the billions that already exist, it makes you think about whether it's really necessary.
Understanding what your audience needs - at the time they need it - can be the difference between success and failure.
Let GoDiNi lead you to success
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